Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Surgery #2 and Lake Victoria!

Hi hi hi!

I just came from the market today, where I had cooked plantains and beans in a tomato sauce (its called Matoke here). Delicious, and so cheap (honestly, $1.00). I also pitted two of the market cooks against one another in price so I got it even cheaper (ha!).

Today I spend the morning at the hospital and got to see another really interesting surgery! It was a cyst removal on the bladder of an 85 year old woman (who, I might add, did not look 85 at all). I was still fascinated to see all the operation. Even just seeing the conditions of the operating room is so interesting, and different. For example, the woman just walked herself right into the OR and didn't get any anesthesia until after they had prepped her (she got an epidural--legitimately the largest needle I have ever seen. After that and the maternity ward, childbirth couldn't seem more unappealing!). The nurse just chatted away with her while I watch the operation. The nurse also answered 3 cell phone calls during the surgery. Totally normal here. Crazy! Its great when the surgeons stop and explain things to us too.

Sunday we spend the day on the beach and yesterday we went to Ntoma, which is where the baby orphanage is. They are really well funded so it was great to see such a well-run orphanage. The babies were of course adorable. I was one of the lucky ones that didn't get peed on (no diapers, so surprise!). After the orphanage we went over to a beach there and went swimming in Lake Victoria! It was great. I'm also getting to know our tour guides and they are so fun. Ashley--love Zaharan!

Thats all for now! I have some lengthy emails to tend to from my momma and my fabulous roommate (who keep me quite updated while I'm gone, I love it!)


1 comment:

  1. Wow Carly, you will be able to come home and do my hip replacement for me! I can't wait to hear more about everything the orphange especially. No diapers... no baby in diapers??
